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Vascular Care

Vascular Care

Forty percent of patients with heart disease also have peripheral vascular disease, which is any condition affecting the body's blood vessels (vascular system). Some common symptoms of peripheral vascular disease include pain in one or both calves, thighs or hips, or a sore that doesn't heal on the toes, feet or legs.

For many, peripheral artery disease is a chronic condition that has slowly diminished their quality of life. In these cases, our vascular specialists perform diagnostic and interventional procedures to restore blood flow and get patients back to a healthy, more active lifestyle.

When a blood clot interrupts blood vessel flow to the brain, stroke occurs. Symptoms of a stroke include sudden onset of dizziness, trouble with speaking or coordination, vision problems or severe headache. The emergency department and cardiac catheterization team at Hendricks Regional Health work with vascular specialists to treat stroke when minutes are precious—minimizing the potential for brain damage and disability.

Restoring Healthy Lifestyles

Patients who have been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, or those who have experienced a vascular event, need special support to heal and move forward.

We provide the individualized support and therapy to restore independence in patients recovering from stroke. All patients managing a heart or vascular condition can receive nutrition support from registered dietitians, as well as access to fitness and smoking cessation programs.

Learn more about peripheral vascular disease.

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