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Virtual Visits

A New Way to Access Care With Your Hendricks Provider

As we continue to fight COVID-19, Hendricks Regional Health remains committed to giving you the same great care you’ve always received — but from the comfort and safety of your home. That’s why we’ve set up virtual visits so you can easily connect with your physician using your smartphone, tablet or desktop computer. You can receive a diagnosis — and prescriptions when necessary — from your healthcare provider during these virtual visits.   

If you would like to schedule a virtual appointment with your provider, please contact the practice office to find a convenient date and time for you. Virtual appointments can replace many types of visits, including follow-ups for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and medication management.

If you already have an appointment, your Hendricks Regional Health Medical Group office will call and set up your virtual visit. This typically happens between one and three days before the scheduled appointment.

If you are sick and need to see a provider in person, please visit one of our immediate care centers in Avon, Brownsburg or Plainfield.

To help protect our patients and reduce the spread of COVID-19, we’ve separated care into two clinics: one for individuals with respiratory-related symptoms and one for non-respiratory issues such as dislocated fingers, broken arms and small cuts.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to serve our community in the safest, most effective way possible. If you have any questions about virtual visits, please contact your provider's practice office